Machalilla National Park and Pacoche Refuge are highly threatened and poorly studied hotspots of biodiversity.
We want to document terrestrial vertebrates and their habitat use.
We use standardized protocols to deploy camera traps. Our occupancy models will allow us to understand habitat use patterns.
The project was planned and designed by Pablo Ramirez-Barajas under ULEAM`s terrestrial ecology line, back in 2012. Additional funding came from ULEAM and Senescyt in 2013.
Since the second half of 2014 we have been working hard to follow a standardized protocol to monitor terrestrial vertebrates and to study their habitat use patterns.
Beginning the first semester of 2015, we expect to start analysing our camera trap data using a spatial occupancy models.
We want to expand our project to Mache-Chindul ecological reserve, another protected area in Manabi, and to continue monitoring the fauna of Manabi for several years.
Project Leader
Project Leader
Researcher, Ecologist
Researcher, Botanist
Data assistant
Data assistant
Nat. resources student (Pasante)
Field assistant